Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spring Clean & Make Room for Spring Bargains

Warm weather and sunny days are the best! And hey, that's what California's known for. One way to celebrate summer quickly approaching is to do some feel-good spring cleaning and make room for some fun spring bargains. I grew up going to flea markets and garage sales, but if this seems foreign to you, allow me to explain why these are fun, intelligent and ever-trendy ways to shop!

View from the Treasure Island Flea Market - San Francisco

  • First you have to make room. No one wants to cross the line into being a hoarder. So take some time to dig into the back of your closets and drawers to those items you haven't worn or used in a while. Maybe they are too small, too big, you have too many or they are just plain out of style. Either way if you don't wear/use it, donate it to someone who will.

Find lots of antiques and one-of-a-kind goodies!

  • After down-sizing throughout your house a little you will feel really good! "The less you own, the less that owns you." Now, why not try to make a few bucks off your goods?

  • Holding a garage sale can be fun and easy if done right. Get some friends/family to come help. (You know, the good ones who will actually help and not want to talk the whole time). If you have kids, you can involve them by making a homemade lemonade stand, and let your neighbors know in case they want to get in on the fun next door. Put your garage sale on Craigslist the night before with good pictures of a few stand-out items if you can. Then post neon signs all around your neighborhood with clear directions to your house. Once the sale is over, hopefully you have a sizable wad of cash in your pocket (even if it's all dollar bills) and donate the rest to your local thrift store.

  •  I always remind myself that "less is more," because it's easy to go crazy and buy every cool thing in sight when it's only 25 cents! But splurging on fun bargains at local flea markets is always fun. California is one of the only states with over 100 flea markets! Check out the full listing of flea markets all over California to find one in your neck of the woods.

  • Support the local vendors in your area! They work hard and have a lot of really cool, UNIQUE stuff. Believe me, that will be the conversation piece of your living room, your new favorite statement necklace or an antique that will become your family heirloom. Create memories, meet people and find out about awesome things you never knew existed. Antique fairs and flea markets are a super fun way to get out of the house and explore shopping in a new and natural light!

Santa Barbara Outdoor Market
Treasure Island Flea Market

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